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Home » Generator Monitor Business School 101 – Lesson 4: Customer Expectations Regarding Service

Generator Monitor Business School 101 – Lesson 4: Customer Expectations Regarding Service

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Attention students! Class is in session! Grab a chair because it’s time to learn! Welcome to Monitor Business School 101.

In this class, you will learn the fundamentals of Generator Monitoring, How to Implement It and most importantly, How to Make Money using Monitoring. Over the next several months, we will cover these topics in greater detail so you can improve and grow your service business!

Lesson 4: Customer Expectations Regarding Service

In 2022, Hyken Research’s ACA report stated that consumer expectations have grown and more are paying close attention to the goods and services they buy. Consumers are smart. In today’s world, they have the power to research, in detail, everything about companies, what they offer and see reviews of what others think all at their fingertips. In fact, customer service is so important that 78% of consumers are willing to change companies that offer better customer service and overall experience.

So how can you simultaneously increase your customer service and profitability? You guessed it, it’s generator monitoring. In our previous lessons, we discussed why monitoring is important and how it can help yield profitable service calls, but what does that mean for the customer? For starters, it means they know you have full awareness of their generator and can readily assist if it fails. Back to the Hyken report, it says 81% of consumers EXPECT companies to reach out to them if there’s a problem. You are the generator experts. It’s your responsibility to do what you can to keep your customer’s generator in good working order for when they need it. It’s why they pay you! The report say too that 83% of consumers trust a company that provides excellent customer service. The result of good, pro-active customer service is higher customer retention which is more money on your bottom line.

Something to think about too about the value of customer service, 75% of consumers would switch to a competitor if they were more convenient to do business. Convenient in this context meaning a company that is available, understanding and reliable. Showing customers that you care about their needs and can be a trusted business partner will keep your customers happy and your service business profitable.

For our next lesson, we will cover the 3 most common monitoring myths for service companies. Stay tuned!

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