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Home » Touchless Arduino Water Dispenser | Full DIY Project

Touchless Arduino Water Dispenser | Full DIY Project

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We designed the Automatic Touchless Arduino Water Dispenser to prevent water wastage.

During pandemics like Covid-19, the frequent need to wash hands leads to significant water wastage, particularly in public places such as hospitals, airports, railway stations, hotels, and restaurants.

Generally, people do not rub their hands with soap for the required 20 seconds before washing them with running water. Or they leave the tap running while rubbing their hands with soap. This proposed system can help solve both these problems.

POC Video Tutorial In English:

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In addition, touching the water tap by different people can spread germs. So, this touchless water tap will take care of that as well.

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Bill of Material
Arduino Uno (MOD1)1
12V, 1A adaptor1
Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 (MOD2)1
Transistor BC547 (T1)1
5V relay (R1)1
Buzzer (B1)1
Cooler water pump1
1k resistor (R1)1

Working Flow-chart

The flow chart of this low-cost, easy-to-make water dispenser for washing hands is shown in Fig. 1. The components required to make it are mentioned under the Bill of Material table. The circuit diagram for the touchless water dispenser is shown in Fig. 2.


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