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Reliable Home Backup Energy Solutions

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Ohio home backup Energy Solutions have different categories. When you installed a permanent generator, it automatically protects your house or company. Indeed, everybody cannot buy new generators for home, industry, or commercial usage. That’s why we have several generators on sale. Therefore, in the following article, we are going to discuss, what the products of generators on sale are in brief.

Home Backup Generators for Sale

Here a variety of home backup generators for sale are available. Additionally, Ohio generator products are of many kinds. We will discuss them one by one.

26 KW Generators

It is a standby generator for household usage. This is a reliable home backup energy solution. Moreover, it has many properties due to which it had used widely. Its backup energy is enough to start all the electronic appliances of the home because the capacity of its engine is very high. This type of engine is known as the G-Force engine.

Moreover, the material of 26 KW is durable and strong. This durable material is aluminum. This type of material protects the generator from weather conditions and corrosion.

7.5 KW Standby Generators for Home

These types of home backup generators come with 8 transfer switches. It is also a standby generator for homes. These are available at affordable prices. It has also durable material which resists all weather conditions. But it has a 3-year warranty.

Standby Backup Generators for Industries

Just like reliable home backup energy solutions, there is also a wide variety of industrial generators. If one has a standby generator in the industry, the dealings during a power outage cannot be disturbed. Some of the business generators are listed below.

Protector QS Standby Generators

Protector QS series of generators are used widely in commercial industries. The reason is that these standby generators offer more benefits to the industry during periods of power loss. The engines of these generators had liquid-cooled engines. These engines store more power in a small space. Additionally, these generators reduced the consumption of fuel.

Moreover the engines, as well as alternators of the protector QS series, have a long lifespan. These generators can run most sensitive appliances smoothly. These had made up of steel and aluminum materials. The durable steel protects them from the extreme weather condition. On the other hand, aluminum protects them from corrosion in the coastal and salty environment. Some of the industrial and commercial generators are listed below:

  • Generac 22 KW protector series with RG022 modal
  • Generac 25 KW protector standby generators
  • 30 KW Generac standby protectors with RG030 modals
  • 48kW protector with modal RG04845
  • Protector of 60 KW with RG06045 modal
  • Generac 100kW protector standby generator with RG10090 modal

In short, the above-listed generators are a good choice for their convenience and ease during a power outage. These all products are available at affordable prices at Ohio generators. So, for the purchase of these products contact our website listed above. In case of any quarry please contact us.

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