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Home » Tindie Blog | A Powerful and Cost-Friendly Clock Signal Generator

Tindie Blog | A Powerful and Cost-Friendly Clock Signal Generator

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There are some projects where you get so deep in the weeds, that there is precisely one tool that can dig you out of the pits of despair. Some of the most frustrating things to work through are scenarios with bricked microcontrollers, or when you’re exploring frequency responses in precise circuitry, and you need signal generation capabilities that are a step beyond what your two-probe benchtop signal generator can provide. That’s why it is a brilliant idea to go ahead and do your future self a favor and add the Precision Clock Generator to your electronics toolbag.

This clock generator can output up to three different clock outputs, from 2.5KHz up to 100MHz if you need all three, and up to a 225MHz signal if you just need one output. The board has everything you need: a simple yet comprehensive display, and Arduino IDE capability since it has an STM32 Cortex M3 microcontroller for a brain. Without even having to connect it to the Arduino IDE, you can set all 3 clocks to do frequency sweeps, so let your imagination run wild with what can be done when the board is given a bespoke program! And with the clock signals themselves, you also have four drive strength level options, for those more sensitive projects.

This magnificent tool comes from Pandauinobased in Perpignan, France, and they offer plenty of documentation to help you get the most from your Precision Clock Generator. This isn’t the only clever product they offer, be sure to keep an eye out for when their upgrade to the Arduino Nano comes back in stock as well!

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